Born to be Wild

4th of July - The most American of all American holidays. It’s one where almost everyone living in America has this sense of genuine joy. It’s the rare moment of the year that creates a sense of community in this highly dysfunctional, individualistic society. And what better way to enjoy America the beautiful, the freedom expounded by this sacred of summer holidays than to ride a motorcycle along the majestic California Pacific Coast and through the mountains that line up just alongside.

Biryani Kebob House

Los Angeles, the place I now live in. America’s second largest city and cesspool of incompetent governance. But I have to say, this place got some good eats. For supposedly a global metropolis, this city feels like a sleepy suburb forced to stay up beyond its bedtime. So when I look for spicy meat and bread, you know, the white whale of the drunk, my go-to is Biryani Kabab House.